DIII-D #153102


This H-mode discharge was part of an experiment designed to study particle transport in low power NBI and NBI+ECH discharges. This discharge used NBI only and two times are provided. The first time slice is at 1900ms and has 4.3MW of NBI. The second time slice is at 2400MS and has 2.9MW of NBI. The major plasma parameters are Bt=1.9T, Ip=1.1MA, kappa=1.8, and delta(u,l)=(0.35,0.80).

Data analysis

ONETWO run with 51 radial grid points.

ONETWO files:

Plot of power densities at 1900ms


Reviewplus time traces



EFIT02 at 1900ms,2400ms:

Kinetic EFIT (129x29) at 1900ms:

Plots of EFIT02 at 1900ms


Plots of EFIT02 at 2400ms



Linear runs versus radius for t=1900ms, ky=0.30:
Electrostatic, Miller equil., Suguma coll. model, n_species=2, n_theta=24, n_radial=8

Plot of gamma,omega vs rho


Linear runs for t=2400ms at r/a=0.50, ky=0.20,0.30,0.40,0.50,0.60:
Electrostatic, Miller equil., Suguma coll. model, n_species=2, n_theta=24, n_radial=8

Plot of gamma,omega vs time, ky=0.20


Plot of phi vs theta, ky=0.20


Plot of gamma,omega vs time, ky=0.30


Plot of phi vs theta, ky=0.30


Plot of gamma,omega vs time, ky=0.40


Plot of phi vs theta, ky=0.40


Plot of gamma,omega vs time, ky=0.50


Plot of phi vs theta, ky=0.50


Plot of gamma,omega vs time, ky=0.60


Plot of phi vs theta, ky=0.60



S. Mordijck, et al., Nucl. Fusion 55, 113025 (2015).

Journal paper hyperlink