Complete MacOS install of AToM with MacPorts
This guide will provide step-by-step instructions for installing AToM Tier 1 on a fresh MacOS system.
Adminstrator access on your Mac is required for an install with this method.
Most instructions require the mac Terminal app to be open so commands can be input.
In addition, for a full install, a github account is required along with access to the following git repositories:
Any steps you have completed previously can be skipped.
Install Developer command line tools type
xcode-select --install
Then click the “Install” button in the dialog box that appears.
Then agree to the license agreement.
Generate SSH keys if you do not currently have them. This is used to authenticate with github later.
To check if you have existing ssh keys
ls ~/.ssh/
This will return “No such file or directory” if it does NOT exist. If it exists, skip to step 3, if not, generate your ssh keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Keep the default location to save the key by pressing enter.
Enter a passphrase. You will need this passphrase every time you access a github repo. If you do not enter a passphrase anyone who has access to your private key will be able to impersonate your computer.
Add public ssh key to github. Instructions found here
Setup git email and name
git config --global "Your Name" git config --global ""
Install Mac Ports. Instructions found here
In order to use any X11 enabled tools, install X-Quartz. It can be found here . After installing, it will require logging out of your computer and logging back in before it can be used. (Apple menu -> Log Out)
In the terminal, navigate to where you would like AToM installed and clone the git repository.
git clone
If it asks if you want to continue connecting, say yes.
Install and configure the prerequisites with Mac Ports. Enter your computer’s password (not the SSH key passphrase) when promped and enter ‘Y’ when prompted to confirm installs. Some of these installs (like openmpi) may take a while.
sudo port install cmake sudo port install openmpi sudo port select --set mpi openmpi-mp-fortran sudo port install fftw-3 sudo port install fann sudo port install netcdf sudo port install netcdf-fortran sudo port install netcdf-cxx sudo port install doxygen
Export compiler locations for cmake (Exact names may vary. If you close your terminal, you may have to do this step again)
export FC=/opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-7 export CC=/opt/local/bin/gcc-mp-7 export CXX=/opt/local/bin/g++-mp-7
Configure and make AToM. Enter your ssh key passphrase when prompted (Not your computer password)
Add environment variables to your .profile so tools are available in your next terminal session
Install OMFIT prerequisites. Answer ‘Y’ to any prompts asking if you want to install and enter computer’s password when prompted. Assuming you are still in the atom directory, type :: cd OMFIT-source/install/ports ./
If you run into problems with Mac Ports here, you may need to switch to the unstable branch. (From within the OMFIT-source directory)
git checkout unstable cd OMFIT-source/install/ports ./