DIII-D #136835
This H-mode discharge was part of an experiment designed to investigate the impact of the plasma current profile on transport and stability in steady-state scenerio discharges. This disharge has 10.3MW of NB heating and 2.2MW of ECH. It has a high normalized pressure of betaN=2.6 with q(0)=2.0 and q95=6.6.. The major plasma parameters are Bt=2.0T, Ip=1.0MA, kappa=1.84, and delta(u,l)=(0.61,0.44).
Data analysis
ONETWO run with 101 radial grid points.
ONETWO files:
Plot of power densities
Reviewplus time traces
Kinetic EFIT (129x29) at 3605ms:
Plot of KEFIT
F. Turco, C. Holcomb, et al., Phys. Plasmas 19, 122506 (2012).