About AToM

A Brief Description of AToM
The AToM project philosophy is to enhance and extend present modeling capabilities by leveraging and integrating existing research. AToM supports numerous physics codes, frameworks, and tools which have been developed independently by the fusion community, often through years or decades of research. AToM seeks to streamline the integration of these tools, to further their development, and to deploy and support the resulting software.
AToM Thrusts
The goal of the AToM project is to support, integrate, and build upon a wide spectrum of existing research activities in the US fusion program, and guide the integration of high performance computing resources to enable a broad range of new physics capabilities. A number of computational tools, including a workflow manager (OMFIT), computational framework (IPS), and high performance simulation codes (GYRO/CGYRO, NEO, TGYRO, and COGENT) enable simulations of complex plasma behavior, and extensive validation against experimental data. AToM targets advanced integrated simulations which couple core, pedestal and scrape-off-layer physics in order to predict, and further optimize, performance of the fusion plasma.
The key thrusts of the AToM project are:
AToM environment, performance and packaging
Physics component integration
Validation and uncertainty quantification
Physics and scenario exploration
Data and metadata management
Liaisons to SciDAC partnerships
In this document, we also provide a list of AToM Research Thrusts.